Publication: The hidden potential of call detail records in The Gambia

A paper summarizing the work in The Gambia was published from Data and Policy Journal. Read this paper.

The hidden potential of call detail records in The Gambia
Ayumi Arai, Erwin Knippenberg, Moritz Meyer, and Apichon Witayangkurn

Aggregated data from mobile network operators (MNOs) can provide snapshots of population mobility patterns in real time, generating valuable insights when other more traditional data sources are unavailable or out-of-date. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the value of remotely-collected, high-frequency, localized data in inferring the economic impact of shocks to inform decision-making. However, proper protocols must be put in place to ensure end-to-end user-confidentiality and compliance with international best practice. We demonstrate how to build such a data pipeline, channeling data from MNOs through the national regulator to the analytical users, who in turn produce policy-relevant insights. The aggregated indicators analyzed offer a detailed snapshot of the decrease in mobility and increased out-migration from urban to rural areas during the COVID-19 lockdown. Recommendations based on lessons learned from this process can inform engagements with other regulators in creating data pipelines to inform policy-making.

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Special Collection: Lessons learned from telco data informing COVID-19 responses: toward an early warning system for future pandemics?